Presentation of the project, the partnership and the timetable

HITS – High Intelligent Tutoring System for the academic success – is a project funded by Erasmus+ that involves 6 partners from 5 European countries: University of Camerino,  Centro Studi Pluriversum, University of Valladolid, University of Vilnius, University of Bucarest and University of Maribor.
The project officially started in November 2023 and will finish within October 2025, after reaching 60 universities, 1600 students, professors and tutors; these days, however, are really focal because the first in presence consortium meeting is about to take place in Bucharest!
HITS project wants to introduce a novel AI-based personalization system for academic didactics and tutoring by producing and testing an open-source system of an AI assistant, a High Intelligent Tutoring System that will guide tutoring interventions, to support the academic engagement among students, professors, counsellors, tutors, and even mentors during classes and during the study at home.
The Consortium will carry out:
– both desk and field research for the collection of best practices and the comparison of the existing models and frameworks when it comes to tutoring systems
– co-creation processes in a multi-disciplinary dimension to design the HITS model and AI Learning Library, that’ll improve the capability of the platform to support students in customized their learning process.
– pilot actions and exploitation events to test and validate the results at European level.

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